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Trent Clifford

Theatre Maker

My name is Trent Clifford

I am a teller of stories, a proclaimer of uncomfortable truth, a queer survivor of domestic abuse, and an insatiable artist. I've been told that I am "too much," that I "need to tone it down if I want to be successful," and that I need to "stop shoving that gay stuff down people's throats." And to all of that, I say, thank you for the feedback. But I'm good.


"Being an artist can often be an isolating experience, until you find the right collaborators to make your art sing. Working with Trent was a delight. It's rare nowadays to find someone who entrusts their care, time and energy into artists and their work. Trent's passion for the work he's doing (and the work I'm doing) was a surprising boost in the right direction, both as a playwright and as a person."

Chandler Hubbard


May 2024

Workshop of Living in Light

Learn more HERE

June 2024

The release of his first book, Reclaiming Faith: Learning to Reimagine Church, God, and Ourselves.

Learn more HERE

August 2024

World Premiere of The Way He Looks At You

Resolute Theatre Project

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” 
-Muriel Rukeyser
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